Robust Principal Component Analysis for everyone

Bonjour Most people have heard of Principal Component Analysis. It was the last thing I learned and perhaps many people learn in their introductory linear algebra course at university. I’ve had to use it plenty of times to reduce dimensions when staring at a dataset with too many columns. Many people are satisfied with vanilla… Continue reading Robust Principal Component Analysis for everyone

Using personas and journey maps to create value

Hi, As a product manager I’ve always encouraged my team to create personas. Creating personas for users is crucial and even customary, but they are also helpful to better understand the entire decision-making unit. If you aren’t familiar with the DMU it mainly consists of influencers, buyers, users and decision-makers. Sometimes it is useful to… Continue reading Using personas and journey maps to create value

Systems thinking for Product Managers part 2

Hi, I thought it would be good to focus on the common problems people encounter and why we get surprised by systems. Perhaps we best get started with an anecdote. In India during the British rule there was a snake “problem”. I imagine it was much like Australia’s spider “problem”. The colonists decided that to… Continue reading Systems thinking for Product Managers part 2

Systems thinking for Product Managers part 1

Ni hao, Systems thinking is a complex topic but we can make sense of it. We will try to define systems and how to think about them in simple terms. The discipline is as useful for product teams as it is for economists, politicians and other strategists. Why product managers? Everybody loves calling everyone else… Continue reading Systems thinking for Product Managers part 1

Accounting ratios for apes

Namaste, Accounting is the process of identifying, measuring, recording and communicating financial information. If you are not yet asleep then please congratulate yourself. Accountants are reputably boring but they are sticklers for keeping records of a company’s assets, liabilities and owners equity. This is useful for people in finance that want to compare similar companies.… Continue reading Accounting ratios for apes

Tips for improving webpage accessibility

Accessibility can be easy Unless you work for a few tech companies people at your workplace probably don’t spend as much time thinking about accessibility. I don’t mean having a UX team that simplifies a journey but catering to users with needs such as having to access the built-in narrator on Apple, Android or Windows… Continue reading Tips for improving webpage accessibility

Web analytics set-up for everybody

Setting up Google Analytics and other tools Hay 👋🏾 Setting up analytics and optimisation tools seem daunting. Especially if you don’t have years of expertise in data or product manager roles at start-ups. However, I’m here to tell you that the set-up isn’t all that hard. It all starts with.. Google Tag Manager A lot… Continue reading Web analytics set-up for everybody

Marketing in briefs

The Gist of Marketing The thing that stuck for me after thousands of hours of post-graduate study, reading marketing journals and books was understanding that you cant wing it. If a firm intends to measure the success of a venture by seeing the first quarter of sales results then it is already too late. Knowing… Continue reading Marketing in briefs